Craft Night
Craft night is an opportunity to do things with your hands. It began as an effort to create quilts to raise funds for George Fox Friends School. It has broadened in time to include sewing, knitting, crocheting, quilting and catching up on the ufo’s in your closet (unfinished objects). It is generally held the second Thursday of the month but flexes due to schedules and weather. It moves between the meeting house community room and homes of the crafters. Knowledge is shared and a good time is had by all. Want to learn how to ______? Join us and someone will teach you.
Craft Night News
We’re getting ready for our annual fundraiser for the George Fox Friends School in November. We’re expanding to two evenings a month in an effort to complete two quilts and various other projects. Join us on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 7:00pm at the meeting house. Call Susan at 610-857-2713 for more details.