Interred Persons

First Last DOB DOD Epitaph Section Plot Number Listed Owner Comments Tombstone
Mary A. Wallace 1900 wife of Joseph B 55-A Joseph Livingston
Ellen Walter 1883 Wife of Brinton A 22-B Brinton Walter
Katie Walter 1883 Daughter of Ellen & Brinton A 22-B Brinton Walter
Louisa Walter 1846 1935 A 22-B Brinton Walter
Louisa Bernard Walter 1873 wife of Brinton A 22-B Brinton Walter
Sarah L. Walter 1898 A 21 B. Frank Walter
Leah Myra Walton 4/25/1905 E 59-B Leah Russell
Alice Emma Way 1898 Daughter of Isreal & Lydia A 35-B Jason Moore
Lydia A. Way 1841 1965 A 35-B Jason Moore
George E. Wettig 6/29/1914 6/18/1992 F 42 George Wettig
Esther M. Wettig 4/26/1915 F 42 George Wettig
Robert Whiteside 1866 1898 Son of D. & R. Whiteside A 27 S. J. Hanway
George Whitson 1820 1906 B 48 George Livingston
Mary Whitson 1883 B 48 George Whitson aged 22 years
Thomas Whitson 1875 1890 son of Theodore and Eliza B 46-A Theodore Whitson
Janet K. Wise 1899 1989 D 54 Aashel C. Walker
Mary C. Wright 1903 1959 A 84-A Harry C. Right
Virginia E. Wright 1907 1973 A 84-A Harry C. Right
Richard Wright 4/8/2010 F 16